If you are interested in becoming a medical assistant you will need to obtain the correct training, education and certification to enjoy a fulfilling and rewarding career.
No matter if you are looking for a campus-based training program offering classroom instruction, evening or night classes, or an online class we can help you choose the best program for you.
Important Considerations
Training to become a medical assistant is a significant investment in your future. With so many schools to choose from, it can be overwhelming to find the best fit.
Whether you are looking for an online medical assistant program or a campus-based program there are some key items of importance which you need to consider before making your final selection. We recommend also discussing these considerations with your guidance counselor and/or parents to gain additional opinions and perspectives.
Should you choose a medical assistant certificate program or associates degree?
Your first point of consideration should be whether you want to take a certificate program or an associates degree. Both options prepare students for roles as medical assistants, but they differ in several key areas.
Certificate program curriculum focus’s solely on medical assistant training, and does not cover general education courses such as history or writing. Certificate programs are typically offered by technical colleges, trade schools, or online platforms. Accelerated programs can be completed in as little as 6 weeks however most programs take 4 to 6 months. The costs for certificate programs typically start at around $2,000. Graduates of accredited certificate programs are eligible to take the national certification exams. A certificate program will allow you to enter the workforce much sooner.
In contrast, associate degree programs encompass general education courses alongside medical assisting courses. Associate degree programs in medical assisting are offered at universities and community colleges, these programs typically take about two years to complete. Costs vary widely depending on the institution type. Once you have graduated from an associates degree program you will be eligible to sit the same national certification exams as certificate program graduates. There is no difference in certification credentials awarded.
An extremely important question to ask in making your decision is what are your career goals? One of the biggest advantages of an associate degree is that it may offer transferable credits which is especially important for those who would like to further their education in the medical field. If you do choose to pursue an associates degree it is of critical importance that you clarify if course credits are transferable.
What are the program admission requirements?
Before applying, research the admission requirements of your preferred programs. Admission requirements will vary dependent upon your choice to pursue a certificate program or an associates degree.
At the very least most schools will require a high school diploma or GED including basic skills in math, English (including reading comprehension), and basic computer skills. Some schools may have additional prerequisites, such as training in basic medical terminology and CPR.
Other typical prerequisites may include being at least 18 years old, requirement to take an admissions interview, pass a physical examination, criminal background check and having up-to-date immunizations.
Make sure that your qualifications and capabilities align with the admission requirements of your preferred program(s) or take action now if they do not.
Is the school accredited?
Your chosen medical assistant school should be accredited to ensure that the program meets the highest educational and professional standards.
The Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) and the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) are the leading accrediting agencies of medical assistant schools and programs in the USA.
Only graduates of medical assistant programs accredited by CAAHEP or ABHES are qualified to take the American Association of Medical Assistants’ CMA exam.
However, medical assistant students who do not graduate from CAAHEP or ABHES schools can also obtain certifications, such as the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA), National Certified Medical Assistant (NCMA), and Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA).
Click here to select your state and access up to date details of CAAHEP and ABHES accredited schools in your area.
Type of institution
When searching for the perfect medical assistant school, it’s important to understand the various types of institutions. Is it public or private? Are there any religious affiliations? Such considerations enable prospective students to find an educational setting that aligns with their goals and values.
Public institutions are funded by the government and typically have lower tuition fees. They also may have larger class sizes. Private schools, however, usually have higher tuition costs but offer smaller class sizes for more personalized attention. There are also schools which may have a religious or minority group affiliation if such values are a priority to you. Many institutions have partnerships or strong connections with hospitals and healthcare groups allowing for greater hands-on experience opportunities.
If you have ambitions to further your career beyond medical assisting consider if the school provides opportunities for further study and qualifications.
Program delivery options
Medical assisting programs come in various formats, including on-campus, hybrid, and online. Can you commit to a full time, in person program or is flexibility of utmost importance? Perhaps you need to maintain employment alongside your studies or have family or care commitments. If so, in narrowing do your choice of program, check if your preferred institution offers self paced online learning or flexible scheduling, such as evening, weekend, or part-time programs.
Most accredited programs require clinical training as part of the curriculum. Many schools organize clinical placements for you however, some schools, especially in the case of online programs, will require you to arrange for a clinical placement yourself. Thus we recommend that you verify the scope for clinical placements and if they meet with you expectations.
Where is the school located?
For campus based or hybrid programs your school’s location should play a significant role in your decision. Consider factors like commuting, the need to relocate, and on-campus accommodation options.
How will commuting affect your overall experience? Longer daily commutes can be costly and detract from your free time including study time or time for extra curricular activities. You will need to consider;
- How you will get to school?
- How much of your day will you spend commuting?
- What is the additional cost incurred (or savings made) based on the location of the school?
- Will you possibly need to move closer to the school?
- Does the school offer on campus accommodation?
How much does the program cost?
Taking all factors into consideration one of the greatest determinants of your choice of program is how much it will cost and if those costs are within your comfort zone.
Choices outlined above such as certificate or associate degree program, public or private institution, campus based or online will all have a major impact on cost. Evaluate the total program cost, including tuition, fees, books, supplies, and living expenses. Research financial aid options, including the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and government-sponsored scholarships.
We provide a detailed guide on paying for college here.
Do the school’s facilities and support meet your expectations?
Visit the school yourself to have a look at laboratories and equipment, class size, library facilities, collaborative spaces etc. Remember that enrolling in a program entails more than just completing academic work and attending classes. For on-campus or hybrid programs you may want to also consider on campus facilities such as restaurants, fitness centers, child care facilities, medical facilities, clubs and societies.
Find out about the student:teacher ratio. A smaller class size ensures greater access to tutors. Find out if a student can access recordings or extra classes in case of a few missed classes.
Speak with some of the existing students to see if they are satisfied with the program. Their perspectives will assist you in determining the program’s advantages and disadvantages. You can also talk to instructors and inquire about their experience of teaching at the school.
Consider academic supports and program outcomes
Find out if you can avail of tutoring services for exam preparation or if you are struggling with a particular subject or concept. Does the school help you prepare for certification exams?
Research the school’s track record in terms of graduation rates, CMA exam pass rates, job placement rates, and how its performance compares to other schools.
Many schools can provide help with resume preparation, job searching, and interview preparation. Inquire about what support, if any, your preferred school provides its students with securing employment after completing the program.
Check the school’s policy regarding assisting students with the process of applying for financial aid, loans, grants, and scholarships.
Find an accredited medical assistant school in your state
If you are looking for a campus-based medical assistant program and would like to learn about certification and licensing, and salary and employment in your area then simply select your state from the map or list below to browse the list of accredited schools there.
Click on your state below to view schools near you that offer Medical Assistant Program.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Washington DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming